Integralisms - Models of Christian Society

14th - 15th June 2019, Nursia, Italy

The Second Vatican Council spoke of the “traditional Catholic doctrine on the moral duty of men and societies toward the true religion and toward the one Church of Christ”. Over the course of the last seventeen hundred years this duty has been realised in many different ways. In recent years the concept of Integralism has inspired renewed interest and controversy. This summer eight scholars from around the world will gather in Norcia to consider the vision and the reality of a broad cross section of integrally Christian societies.


Dr Ines Murzaku

Dr Ines Angeli Murzaku is Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Founding Chair of the Department of Catholic Studies at Seton Hall University.

Dr Alan Fimister

Dr Alan Fimister is Assistant Professor of Theology at Saint John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver.

Fr Thomas Crean O.P.

Fr Thomas Crean O.P. is a priest of the English Province of the Order of Preachers and co-founder of the Dialogos Institute.

Dr Paul van Wie

Dr. Paul van Wie is an Associate Professor of History and Political Science at Molloy College, an independent Catholic college in the Dominican tradition in New York.

Professor Thomas Pink

Professor Thomas Pink is Professor of Philosophy at King College, London.

Dr John Joy

Dr John Joy is Senior Theologian to the Bishop of Madison and President of the Albertus Magnus Centre for Scholastic Studies.

Sebastian Morello

Sebastian Morello is a formator and lecturer at the Centre for Catholic Formation, south London. He has run workshops and given talks on a range of subjects at Catholic events throughout the country.

Pater Edmund Waldstein O.Cist

Pater Edmund Waldstein O.Cist is a monk of hte Cistercian Abbey of Stift Heiligenkreuz in Austria, Vice-Rector of the Leopoldium Seminary, Heiligenkreuz, and adjunct lecturer in moral theology at the Philosophisch Theologische Hochschule Benedikt XVI in Heiligenkreuz.


Dr Ines Murzarku
St. Neilos and his relations to power and the powerful

Dr Alan Fimister
Sir John Fortescue and the Regnum Thomisticum

Fr Thomas Crean
Savonarola as Thomistic Political Theorist

Professor Thomas Pink
Integralism: normative power and the theory of the state

Dr John Joy
Edward Cahill and the Irish Constitution

Sebastian Morello
The Integralism of Joseph de Maistre

Pater Edmund Waldstein
Engelbert Dollfuss and the Austrian Corporate State